

Quand la spintronique s’inspire du cerveau J. Grollier, D. Querlioz, Pour la Science, 2020/9 (N° 515 – septembre), p. 28-37. Broad audience article, in French about neuromorphic spintronics.


Realizing a brain on a chip, J. Grollier, video in English, talk given at the World Economic Forum (Davos, January 2016)


Nanodevices for bio-inspired computing, J. Grollier et al, video in English, talk given at Tohoku University (Sendai, November 2015)


Nouvelles architectures de calcul inspirées du cerveau, J. Grollier with Yves Frégnac – General public conference in French, given at the Museum of “Arts et Métiers” (Paris, February 2014) – Conférence tout public donnée au Musée des Arts et Métiers dans le cadre du cycle “Dialogue: des clés pour comprendre – vers un cerveau simulé par ordinateur ?”


Memristors: artificial nano-synapses, J. Grollier et al, video in English, talk given at the Bio-Inspired Computing and Architectures Workshop (Lille, December 2012)

Multi-functional magnetic nanodevices: from spin torque oscillators to artificial synapses devices, J. Grollier et al, video in French, talk given at the JMC13 conference (Montpellier, August 2012)